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13 Best Places To Sell Vinyl Records

Vinyl records are known for gaining worth over time. Whether you want to get rid of them because they’re cluttering your shelves or you’re ready to make good money for your rare vinyl records, there are many places to go. You can sell them online or in-person, and we’ll cover many places to do so today.

The best places to sell vinyl records include eBay, Discogs, Craigslist, and Facebook Marketplace. You can also sell them at a pawn shop, record store, or garage sale. Consider using helpful sales apps like Mercari and Shopify. If you have a lot of records, open a website to gain repeat customers.

Throughout this article, you’ll also learn the following information about the best places to sell vinyl records:

  • The easiest way to sell your records online and in-person
  • Top online retailers for vinyl records
  • How to quickly set up your online shop to sell your merchandise
  • Tips to get the most for your records

Sell Vinyl Records on eBay

Although it might not be the #1 online retail these days, eBay is more than a viable solution. You can sell your vinyl records to hungry buyers looking to add to their collection. There are plenty of places on eBay to sell your records, so make sure you’re sharing them with the highest quantity of buyers.

You can sell your records in two ways:

  • Place them up for a bid. You can set the starting price and watch as people outbid each other to increase the price. The downside of bidding is you might not get as much as if you sold the record at a fixed price. However, some eBay bids go far higher than predicted, earning you a hefty sum.
  • Sell your vinyl records for a fixed price. Compare them to similar records and place them on eBay to see if they sell. Keep in mind that not all records are worth the same, even if they’re from the same band and time period. Proper pricing is crucial to get the most money for your records.

eBay has many more competitors than it used to (namely Amazon and Alibaba). While it might seem like a drawback, it makes eBay more of a niche market. You won’t have to deal with as many competitors selling the same product. Shoppers will find your vinyl records without sorting through thousands of the same disc.

If you decide to leave eBay, all you have to do is pull down the sale, and you’re good to go. There’s no commitment until someone’s bought your product or started the bidding process. Make sure you coordinate the shipping situation. Some people prefer to hike the price a bit to cover shipping and handling costs.

Consider Using Facebook Marketplace

Facebook Marketplace was recently opened to allow people to sell their goods. It works very similarly to Craigslist, but there are a few notable differences. For example, you can connect your Marketplace to your Facebook account to instantly share your sales to everyone on your friend’s list.

Another Marketplace perk is that you can set the vinyl records based on location. Nearby potential buyers can view your sales page and decide if they want the product. You can drive to them or vice versa to initiate the transaction. There’s also an option to ship the records, though it’s not nearly as common on Facebook.

The main reason so many people use Facebook Marketplace is they don’t have to make additional accounts. If you already have a Facebook account, you can click the Marketplace tab and start selling right away. Upload pictures and descriptions, then wait until people message you for further details. Anyone with an account can sell their products.

The only limiting factor of Facebook Marketplace is it doesn’t show price comparisons for records worldwide. Instead, you’ll see what people sell products for within your local area. In other words, you might get less for a record because nearby sellers are offering it for less. It’s worth comparing to other online retailers, though.

Try Amazon for Your Records

Much like Facebook, Amazon has its own marketplace. The Amazon Seller’s Store offers an opportunity to create an online platform to sell almost anything, including your cherished vinyl records. Check similar prices and decide how much you want to price your discs. In some cases, you can post your products alongside others for instant exposure to millions of buyers.

To set up your Amazon account, head to the seller’s link mentioned in the previous paragraph. Amazon offers plenty of helpful tips to increase customer viewership and sell your products as quickly and efficiently as possible. They’ll help you with labeling and shipping to ensure you and your customers are getting the best deal.

Perhaps the biggest perk of selling on Amazon is its online reputation. Almost everyone who knows about the internet knows the company. It’s the largest retailer in the world, making it trustworthy for most buyers. You don’t have to collect payments since Amazon does it for you, making your customers much more likely to purchase something.

If you choose Amazon to sell your vinyl records, make sure there’s plenty of padding around them. An inner and outer sleeve should go with your discs, but bubble wrap and padded envelopes are necessary to ensure their safety throughout the shipping process. People are allowed to return records if they arrive broken, so keep them protected as much as possible.

Sell Vinyl via Craigslist

Craigslist is another leading selling platform for people without a business front. If you don’t have a store or an online shop, Craigslist will let you sell your vinyl records to anyone within the area. They can set the desired distance to find your records, contact you via email, phone number, or online chat (you can set your preferences, as can they).

Most Craigslist sales are made in person. You’ll likely have to meet the buyer, so do so in a secure, public location. Craigslist is an excellent choice because you can regularly update the listing to keep it at the top of the available selection. Compare prices to similar vinyl records and compete to sell your products. Keep in mind people will often go for the lowest price on this type of platform.

The downside of using Craigslist (aside from the previously mentioned in-person meeting process) is you have to assume local buyers are interested in vinyl records. If nobody around you cares about them, you’ll have a tough time selling your discs. The same issue applies to Facebook Marketplace since shipping isn’t as common.

Nevertheless, if you live in a mid-sized town or larger, it’s worth trying. You never know if you can get more money for your records than you initially thought.

Use Discogs for Your Transactions

Discogs is debatably the biggest online store for buying and selling vinyl records. It’s perhaps the best place to sell them simply because you’re in a niche market. You don’t have to wait for people to search for your product since everyone there is interested in music. It’s quick and simple but keep in mind people who use it are knowledgeable.

You can’t hike prices without getting negative attention. Always fairly price your vinyl records to keep a good reputation on the platform. You can look through similar posts of the same year, artist, and album to know if you’re pricing it correctly. Again, the condition matters quite a bit since Discogs’ users are vinyl record enthusiasts.

Everyone using this site enjoys music, but some enjoy the process and appearance of using vinyl records. They want high-quality, well-kept discs that aren’t broken chipped, or scratched. Preserving the sleeve and cover matters just as much as maintaining the record. If you’re ready to dive into a world of vinyl records and enthusiasts, consider selling your discs on Discogs.

Visit Local Record Stores

Devoted to Vinyl claims that record stores shouldn’t be left out of the equation. Selling vinyl records to a record store is like selling a car to an automobile dealership; You’re not going to get the full value since the company has to profit. However, if you’re trying to quickly get rid of your vinyl records, visiting a local record store might be the solution to your problems.

Some stores will trade records. If you want another disc of similar value, you might be able to strike a deal. Another option is to ask about getting store credit to use at another time. Since you’re forced to use the credit to make purchases at the record store, you might get a better deal for your discs.

The final reason you should check local stores is they’re often run by experts. They’ll be able to show you how much your records are worth. Even if you don’t intend to sell your discs to them, you can get a base price to charge online or at another local store.

Bring Your Records To Pawn Shops

Pawn shops are notorious for undercutting the market. They’re not the best place to sell your vinyl records if you want top value, but they’re a great solution if you want to get rid of them as soon as possible. Never pawn high-end vinyl records! However, low-end records without much value could be sold at pawn shops.

Many vinyl collectors sell to pawn shops to get store credit for other products. As mentioned in the previous subheading, store credit often leads to better value since you’ll continue doing business with the pawnshop. Consider haggling or trading to get the best deal for your vinyl records. Don’t expect to get the full value, though.

Note: Some pawnshop owners know a lot more about vinyl records than others. If you live in a big city with a lot of options, you should go around looking for experts. They’d be willing to pay more for your records or provide a reliable value. You can use the knowledge to pawn, sell, or keep your records with peace of mind that you’re not getting undercut.

Sell Them at a Garage Sale

Set up a garage sale to sell your music supplies. You don’t have to go anywhere! Saturdays and Sundays tend to be the easiest days since most people are off work and can drive through the neighborhood. Place a few signs and get ready to sell your vinyl records. Try these tips for the best results:

  • Place the records near the center of the driveway or garage. They should be the focal point to draw the most attention from potential buyers.
  • Consider playing a few records to show they still work. People might be skeptical about old records’ usability, so you can squash their doubts by spinning them on a player. It also lightens the atmosphere to get people in a musical mood.
  • Display the records with their titles facing outward. Consider standing them up or leaning them on a shelf. Mimic the appearance of a record store to make music enthusiasts feel at home. They’ll love the look and enjoy knowing they’re buying from someone who knows about music.
  • Offer freebies. Don’t give away records, but you could offer two-for-ones, extra sleeves, or display shelves for expensive vinyl discs. People starting their vinyl journey will appreciate the extra gear to get them ready to go.

Use Mercari for Vinyl Sales

If you live in Japan or the US, you can try Mercari. This Japanese online marketplace allows people to buy and sell products, much like Facebook Marketplace or Amazon. It combines the preferred aspects of each to present a top-notch application. Here’s why Mercari is an excellent place to sell your vinyl records:

  • It’s an app you can use wherever you go. While it has a desktop site, you can upload photos and contact customers from your favorite smart device. It’s perhaps the most modernized way to buy and sell products in a marketplace format.
  • You don’t need to live near your buyers. Unlike Craigslist or Facebook Marketplace, you can ship your products when you sell on Mercari. Agree on the shipping prices or place it in the total cost, then head to a nearby shipping facility. Mercari offers a list of local options to help you avoid confusion.
  • You can sell as many vinyl records as you’d like in a niche market. People looking for records can hop on their phones and buy your records without sifting through a bunch of nonsense. It’s a rapid transaction that keeps you and your buyers happy and ready to make an exchange.
  • All of the payments are verified through the company. Rather than worrying about wire transfers, you’ll rest assured that everything is taken care of. Once your product arrives, you’ll receive the money and be good to go.

Try CD and LP

CD and LP is the runner-up to Discogs. It’s a massive online music center that people can use to browse, purchase, sell, and appreciate all types of music. Regardless of the genre, you can find a crowd that’ll buy your records. It has a user-friendly interface that makes it easier for buyers and sellers to connect.

Another reason that many people prefer CD and LP is their accurate pricing and quantities. You can see how many of your records have sold and compare the prices to figure out how you can get the most money for them. Rare records have a special category to keep buyers interested. You can have your discs placed on the front page for maximum exposure, too.

This site is great for bridging the gap between language barriers. You can sell to people worldwide, but the company ensures everyone is getting a fair shake. They’ll monitor the process to secure the payment methods, which is why they continuously receive positive customer feedback.

Visit Local Bookstores

Oddly enough, many bookstores and libraries have vinyl record sections. Contrary to popular belief, thousands of records have stories rather than music. You can sell your vinyl records to bookstores looking to add to their collection. Check if they accept music records or just story-style records beforehand.

Bookstores sell music records because they’re in a similar niche. Books are available in audio and eBook formats these days. However, many people prefer the classic feeling of a physical book.

The same mindset works with music. It’s available through countless services like iTunes, Spotify, YouTube, and more. You can also purchase CDs. Again, many buyers prefer the nostalgic feeling and sound of vinyl, making records a popular choice for book store browsers.

Create an Online Record Store

Online stores and websites are much easier to make than you might think. Creating a website takes less than an hour. Maintaining and attracting visitors is much more difficult. However, for those of you who have hundreds or thousands of records to sell, the effort is more than worth it. You’ll also generate income from ads and create a community if desired.

Making an online store requires a domain name (your website’s name) and a hosting service. The service holds your website to keep it on the internet. Popular hosts include GoDaddy, Bluehost, and HostGator, but there are many others.

Once you’ve chosen your domain and host, you can set your shop however you’d like it. Even if you don’t have a massive audience, you could point your Facebook followers to the website to generate traffic. They can cycle through the records to decide if they want to buy any of them. Who knows? You might be able to create a long-lasting store by buying and selling vinyl records.

Sell Them on Shopify

Shopify is home to millions of businesses. You don’t have to be an expert to use its beginner-friendly interface, nor do you need thousands of products to get started. Shopify allows you to buy and sell products online. Much like Mercari, it works in an app-based online format, though you can use the desktop website, too.

Shopify gained popularity through Facebook marketing techniques. One of its biggest advantages is you don’t need a massive traffic source. Instead, you can use Facebook ads and followers to sell your vinyl records. It’s very simple and straightforward, making it a top choice for people who want to get rid of their items without limiting their potential income.

Over the years, Shopify has helped many people generate a long-term financial plan. You can sell your vinyl records and expose them to millions of users anywhere on the web. They don’t have to use Facebook to buy your products, though it’s one of the best platforms for exposure, traffic, and trustworthiness.

How To Find Places To Sell Vinyl Records

If you’re at a loss and don’t know where to sell your vinyl records, you’re in the right place. Before choosing any of the websites or stores listed above, make sure they meet all of your requirements. The goal is to get the most money while ensuring they’re going to a worthy owner who’ll take care of them.

Here’s what you should look for when selling your vinyl records:

  • Make sure you can package and ship the items if you’re selling them online. eBay, Amazon, Shopify, and all other online retailers require shipping assistance. Decide whether you’ll ship them at a UPS, FedEx, or other location before you get started. This decision will limit confusion and expedite the selling process.
  • Well Kept Wallet suggests comparing prices with record stores. Many stores have raised prices to accommodate employee payments, power for the building, and so on. If you can undercut the record store’s prices, you’re much more likely to seal a deal with a customer.
  • Never accept wire transfer payments. People can pay via credit or debit card, PayPal, or another online service. Many businesses, such as eBay and Amazon, ensure the legitimacy of your customers’ payments. They also help with the shipping process by showing you how to print labels and package your records.
  • Determine how many records you’re going to sell. If you’re only selling a couple of vinyl discs, making a website might be too much. It’s a long process that pays off for people who have 50 or more records for sale. If you don’t have that many, it’d be best to try Amazon, eBay, Craigslist, or even a garage sale.
  • Be wary of over-interested buyers. If someone seems like they’re jumping on the deal and they want it immediately (more than usual), it might be because you’re selling the record for less than it’s worth. Double-check the record’s value with multiple sources, then verify their payment. It could also mean they’re happy to find something they’re interested in, so don’t hold back if that’s the case.

As you can see, there are a few tips you’ll need to find the right place and secure a profitable sale. As long as you’re getting the best value and the buyer is taking care of their records, it’s worth trying several sales outlets. If you’re not sure if it’s time to sell your vinyl records, proceed to the next section.

Should You Sell Your Records Online?

If you’re having trouble leaving your records, are you sure you want to sell them? There are a couple of suggestions to keep in mind. It’s important to get the best deal for you and the buyer. When you’re ready to let them go and find a good buyer, make sure to refer to the three points below.

  • Vinyl records’ prices fluctuate. Always ensure they’re at their peak before you get rid of them. You wouldn’t want to sell your records and watch their value hike after they’re out of your hands. Check local music stores and online retailers to watch trends. There’s always the best time to sell your records.
  • Are they in good condition? Even if similar records are going for more or less money, the record’s condition is a clear indicator of its price. For this reason (among others), it’s a wise idea to use inner and outer sleeves. Keep them protected and place the records vertically to prevent horizontal warping.
  • Never sell records just to get rid of them. If you’re tired of them, you should check the market. Quick sales often result in regret since you could’ve gotten more for them. Furthermore, most vinyl records don’t sell for hundreds of thousands of dollars, so it’d be pointless to get rid of it when you might want it later.


Now that you know how to sell your vinyl records online or wherever you go, you’ll be able to reach the proper sale price. Don’t sell your records for less than they’re worth. There’s an expanding market waiting to find valuable records. Once you find the right buyer, you can make a fair transaction.

Here’s a quick recap of the post:

  • You can use apps like Mercari and Shopify to sell your records.
  • Don’t shy away from Craigslist, eBay, or Facebook Marketplace.
  • Remember to try pawn shops, record stores, and bookstores.
  • Garage sales present excellent sales opportunities.

Recommended Reading


Freddy is a music purist who enjoys listening to vinyl records. He's studied audio recording and music history extensively and shares the best of what he's learned.

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